Academic Management System

Empowering Education through Seamless Management.

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Our Awesome Features

Designed to streamline and enhance attendance tracking and management for educational institutions.

Multi-level User Access Control

Different access levels for administrators, teachers, and students.

Real-time Attendance Tracking

Efficient and accurate real-time updating of attendance data, ensuring up-to-date information for educators and administrators.

Comprehensive Reporting

Generate detailed attendance reports with insights into student attendance patterns and trends, facilitating informed decision-making.

For Administrators

Manage routines, classes, faculty responsibilities, and student records.

For Teachers

Efficient attendance recording, report generation, and substitute management.

For Students

View attendance history, access personal details, and track performance metrics.

About Us

We're revolutionizing education through technology with our project, the Academic Management System (AMS). AMS enhances attendance tracking, management, and academic reporting for schools, freeing educators to focus on student success. Contact us at to learn more.

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Meet Our Dedicated Developers

Developed by passionate developers including Baivab Sarkar, Ayan Chatterjee, Ayan Kumar Dey, Bhishmadev Ghosh, and Arpan Bhattacharya. Their dedication and collaborative efforts have made this project possible.

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More Features

Discover additional functionalities designed to optimize and simplify attendance management.


Find answers to common questions about our Academic Management System (AMS).

What features does the AMS offer for attendance management?

The AMS provides comprehensive features for attendance tracking, including real-time monitoring, automated reporting, and integration with student profiles.

Can the AMS integrate with other educational tools and systems?

Yes, our AMS supports integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS), student information systems (SIS), and other educational platforms to streamline data management and enhance user experience.

What security measures does the AMS employ to protect student data?

The AMS prioritizes data security with encrypted data transmission, role-based access control, regular security audits, and compliance with data protection regulations.

If I need support, who do I contact?

For support, you can contact our dedicated customer service team via email or phone. We are here to assist you with any issues or questions.